
“I was pretty much housebound due to the pain.”

Over the past five years, Robert’s back pain has only gotten worse. Surgery in 2014, intended to relieve his pain, failed. He continued to seek medical care for the pain and debility of his orthopedic condition.

“I also have pain from rheumatoid arthritis that I’ve been dealing with for the past 15 years,” he added.


Another surgery in 2019 offered hope for relief. After surgery, Robert needed intensive rehabilitation to regain his strength and mobility. He chose Gateway Rehabilitation Hospital in Florence, KY for his recovery.

During his inpatient stay at Gateway, Robert made significant improvements. But his healing wasn’t yet complete. “I was still weak on my left side,” Robert noted. Under restrictions from his orthopedic physician to lift no more than five pounds, continued therapy would be difficult. Residual pain and his rheumatoid arthritis only complicated the matter.

But Robert recalled learning about Gateway’s warm water aquatic therapy pool during his stay. “I knew there weren’t other options for warm water therapy in the area that offered privacy like at Gateway,” he noted. Soon, Robert began an aquatic therapy regimen at Gateway under the instruction of a physical therapist.

The sessions have proven to be beneficial. “I still have some weakness on my left side,” Robert stated. “But the water therapy has helped, especially with my left foot.”

“Even my physician noted the increased strength in my left arm and leg since beginning water therapy.”

Robert is back to driving and walks independently with a cane. Outside of his therapy sessions, Robert enjoys walking his two dogs, thirty minutes per day, through his neighborhood.