Tag Archive for: Brain Injury

Patricia Showalter

Patricia Showalter had become very unsteady on her left side, causing her to struggle to walk. Patricia went to Mercy Jewish Hospital, where doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor known as meningioma. After undergoing surgery to remove her tumor, Patricia struggled to regain her function.

Austin Rump

Austin Rump came to Gateway after a severe car accident. One of his injuries included a traumatic brain injury, which affected his mental status, cognitive deficits, and speech.

Jerry Adkins

Walking home one day, Jerry Adkins slipped on a patch of ice and fell, smacking his head on the ground. As a result, Jerry suffered bleeding in his brain.

Ken Jensen

A career in construction made Ken Jensen a very active man. One of his most recent projects included heading up the contracting for his new home build. One day, Ken was on a ladder, working on the second floor of a partially-framed home when he fell. He landed 15 feet below on a firm plywood surface. He laid there until several hours later when his wife came to check on him.